[Berlin-wireless] 25 euro us robotics wlan starterkit mit atheros soc router und zydas wlanusb dongle bei mediamarkt (alexa)

ulf kypke u.kypke
Di Sep 18 14:59:27 CEST 2007

hi, in der zeitung war gestern im werbeprospekt ein us robotics
starter kit, also router und usb wlandongle fuer 25 euro. es gibt noch
ca. 400 stueck
ich habe mal eben schnell einen solchen nach hause getragen,
aufgemacht und huch, siehe da, es ist atheros soc, vermutlich mit
der usb wlandongle ist zydas
daniel hatte vor ein paar wochen so etwas aehnliches in der base, von
der firma smc.

was ich bisher an hardware infos gefunden habe:
2mb serialflash
8mb ram (is42s16400b)
(diese angaben sind wie immer ohne gewaehr)
ic pi175c vlan faehiger switch chip
und eine atheros soc cpu unter dem gleichen kühlerkleidchen
eine serielle gibts natuerlich auch
ich habe das mal schnell in das openwrt wiki eingetragen.
http://wiki.openwrt.org/usr5463 da ist auch ein foto

hier der bootloader

ar531xPlus rev 0x00000090 boot loader startup...
Flash initialized
SDRAM initialized
Cache initialized

Copy program from 0xbfc00000 to 0x80520000, length 0x0000cf04 bytes ... done
Jump to SDRAM 0x80520cb4 [0x10000008, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]
Clear BSS section ... done
Stack: 0x8053ed20
Heap: 0x8053ed30

 Wireless Gateway WG4005G-LF-U5 Loader 0.01 build Jan 26 2006 11:44:33
                  Arcadyan Technology Corporation

Copying boot params.....DONE
cpuFreq=240000000 sysFreq=60000000 cntFreq=120000000

Press any key to enter command mode ...

[WG4005G-LF-U5 Boot 2]:
 [U] Upload to Flash
 [E] Erase Flash
 [M] Upload to Memory
 [R] Read from Memory
 [W] Write to Memory
 [T] Memory Test
 [Y] Go to Memory
 [G] Run Runtime Code
 [A] Set MAC Address
 [#] Set Serial Number
 [V] Set Board Version
 [P] Print Boot Params
 [0] ALERT LED Off
 [2] WLAN LEDs Off
 [3] WLAN LEDs On
 [4] Ethernet LED On
 [C] Set Country Code
 [B] Reboot

hier der ganze bootvorgang output:

Rebooting system ...
Flash initialized
SDRAM initialized
Cache initialized

Copy program from 0xbfc00000 to 0x80520000, length 0x0000cf04 bytes ... done
Jump to SDRAM 0x80520cb4 [0x10000008, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]
Clear BSS section ... done
Stack: 0x8053ed20
Heap: 0x8053ed30

 Wireless Gateway WG4005G-LF-U5 Loader 0.01 build Jan 26 2006 11:44:33
                  Arcadyan Technology Corporation

Copying boot params.....DONE
cpuFreq=240000000 sysFreq=60000000 cntFreq=120000000

Press any key to enter command mode ...
Checking Valid Image in Flash... Passed.

Try to find image for running...
Valid Code found in the Flash
Uncompressed size = 2071296
I am going to run the Code image from 80001000

firmware startup...
Stack: 0x807ab9d0
Heap: 0x807ab9e0
feed_watchdog is called?
setGpio is called??
##### _ftext      = 0x80001000
##### _fdata      = 0x801C0570
##### __bss_start = 0x801FAB00
##### end        = 0x8079B9D0
##### Backup Data from 0x801C0570 to 0x807AB9D0 length=0003A590
[CGI] Web SDRAM area is from 0XBFC40000H

Installing TLB Refill exception handler from 8000A0D0 to 80000000, size=184
Installing General exception handler from 8000A188 to 80000180, size=216
Installing Interrupt exception handler from 8000A260 to 80000200, size=160
mips_int_enable : 0x00000400
Connect the AHB interrupt
Init the GPIOs !!!
Enable arbitration for SOC devices !!!
cpuFreq=184000000 sysFreq=40000000 cntFreq=92000000
[INIT] MTinitialize ..
Runtime code version: V0.04
System startup...
[INIT] MTmeminit ..
[INIT] check COLOR 0 ..
[INIT] soho initialize COLOR1 : 448512
[INIT] soho initialize COLOR2 : 382976
feed_watchdog is called?

Flash Found. It is 2MB Flash....
Set flash memory layout to Runcode version: V0.04
Runcode date: Apr 28 2006 23:56:15
Bootcode version: 0.01
Serial number: 1WB6I43H2570
Hardware version: 01
sizeof(struct III_Config_t) is 91144
!!! Invalid wireless channel range 0 ~ 0
!!! Use default value 1 ~ 13
default route:
NUM_OF_B0=0 NUM_OF_B1=600
*BUF0=0x805c3574 *BUF1=0x804b8264
Altgn *BUF0=0x805c3580 *BUF1=0x804b8270
End at BUF0:0x805c3580, BUF1:0x805c3570

buffer0 pointer init OK!
buffer1 pointer init OK!
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
Interface 0 ip =

ar531xmac_init: ifno=1, initstr=UNIT=0 VLAN=1
is called
ae531xEndLoad: loading device ...
ae531xEndLoad: unit=0, pDmaBuf=0xa0362c78, dmaBufSize=8976,
txDescCount=192, rxDescCount=256, clCount=512
ae531xEndLoad: System param: mac=b0500000, dma=b0501000, ivec=4, ilev=1000
ae531xEndLoad: Flash ea = 00:14:c1:35:fe:19
ae0 qt = 1, buf begin = 80000000, buf end = 80000000
ae0 qt = 1, drsc begin = a0362c80, desc end = a0363b6c
Tx Queue b=0xa0362c80, e=0xa0363b6c, c=0xa0362c80, s at c=0x       0
ae0 qt = 2, buf begin = 804b82e2, buf end = 80529bc2
ae0 qt = 2, drsc begin = a0363b80, desc end = a0364f6c
Rx Queue b=0xa0363b80, e=0xa0364f6c, c=0xa0363b80, s at c=0x80000000
ae531xMemInit: Memory setup complete.
Found PHY enet0 port0: model 0x18 revision 0x0
Found PHY enet0 port1: model 0x18 revision 0x0
Found PHY enet0 port2: model 0x18 revision 0x0
Found PHY enet0 port3: model 0x18 revision 0x0
Found PHY enet0 port4: model 0x18 revision 0x0
Port 0, Negogiation timeout
eth0: Phy Status=7849
eth0: Phy Status=7849
eth0: Phy Status=7849
eth0: Phy Status=7849
eth0: Phy Status=7849
ip_VLANInit> WAN port
ip_VLANInit> LAN port
ip_VLANInit> LAN port
ip_VLANInit> LAN port
ip_VLANInit> LAN port
Smart Router : 189
ae0 Phy Setup Failed
Please check the ethernet cable on port 0!
eth0: duplex 0, link 0
ae_SetMacFromPhy: enet0 as half duplex, 10Mbps
ae0: setting TXDP=0xa0362c80 RXDP=0xa0363b80
ae0 Verify MAC address 35C11400 000019FE
  sb = 00 14 C1 35 FE 19
ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1084000C
ae531xEndLoad: Done loading, pDrvCtrl=80362A70 txQ=80362A9C rxQ=80362AB0
ar531xmac_init: enet0 set to VLAN mode
ar531xmac_init: enet0 interface 1 registered to VLAN 1

  DmaStatus  = 0x       0
  DmaBusMode = 0x    2084
  DmaRxBase  = 0x  363b80
  DmaTxBase  = 0x  362c80
  DmaControl = 0x  200000
  DmaIntr    = 0x       0
  MacControl = 0x1084000c
  MacAddrHi  = 0x    19fe
  MacAddrLo  = 0x35c11400
  MacVlan1   = 0x    8100
  MacVlan2   = 0x       0

Rx Queue b=0xa0363b80, e=0xa0364f6c, c=0xa0363b80, s at c=0x80000000
Current Rx buffer = 0x       0
Tx Queue b=0xa0362c80, e=0xa0363b6c, c=0xa0362c80, s at c=0x       0
Current Tx buffer = 0x       0
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1084000C
Interface 1 ip =

ae531xRxFilterConfig: MacControl = 1084000C
ether_init : Set WAN MTU = 1500
ar531xmac_init: ifno=2, initstr=UNIT=0 VLAN=2
ar531xmac_init: driver already loaded, number of instances is 2
ar531xmac_init: enet0 set to VLAN mode
ar531xmac_init: enet0 interface 2 registered to VLAN 2

  DmaStatus  = 0x       0
  DmaBusMode = 0x    2084
  DmaRxBase  = 0x  363b80
  DmaTxBase  = 0x  362c80
  DmaControl = 0x  200000
  DmaIntr    = 0x       0
  MacControl = 0x1084000c
  MacAddrHi  = 0x    19fe
  MacAddrLo  = 0x35c11400
  MacVlan1   = 0x    8100
  MacVlan2   = 0x       0

Rx Queue b=0xa0363b80, e=0xa0364f6c, c=0xa0363b80, s at c=0x80000000
Current Rx buffer = 0x       0
Tx Queue b=0xa0362c80, e=0xa0363b6c, c=0xa0362c80, s at c=0x       0
Current Tx buffer = 0x       0
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
iput_IpLinkUp(ifno=2)> ifp->add_default_route:1
Re-Init NAT data structure
Init NAT data structure
iput_IpLinkUp(ifno=2): set ddns_update to 1
Interface 2 ip =

[HWLAN] ifno=3 irno=7 port=0x00000000
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 1 8034c0c8, count 1
[HWLAN] pRadio->abolt = 00000000
[HWLAN] pRadio->abolt = 00000040
[HWLAN] gSetting.BasicRate=f
apInit: Initialize Access Point.
[HWLAN] ar5hwcCreatePhy : ifno:3 pdevInfo=803d50ac, devno=1
[HWLAN] devno 1 pdevInfo 803d50ac
[HWLAN] Base address = b0000000, irq 3
Attach AR5212 0x13 0x803d50ac
[HWLAN] DOMAIN 00008210
[HWLAN] MAC Address=00-14-C1=35-FE-1B
[HWLAN] wlan1 revisions: mac 11.0 phy 4.8 analog 8.6 eeprom 5.3
[HWLAN] phwChannel 2437, channelFlags 00005400
[HWLAN] size of ATHEROS_DESC hardware part 32
[HWLAN] AR_HEADER_SIZE 96, AR_BUF_SIZE 1696numDescriptors = 704
[HWLAN] wlan1: pDmaBuf=A01FB760
[HWLAN] pMemBuf a01fb760 pdevInfo->pDmaBuf a01fb760
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 2 8034c0d8, count 1
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 8034c0d8
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 3 8034c0e8, count 1
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 8034c0e8
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 4 8034c0f8, count 1
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 8034c0f8
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 5 8034c108, count 1
[HWLAN] ar5hwcQueueCreate: semaphore id 8034c108
[HWLAN] pMemBuf a0217760, pdevInfo->pDmaBuf + pdevInfo->dmaBufSize a0231f80
[HWLAN] muxDevLoad is called for vportNum 10000, loadfn 8008ff7c,
vportStr 16: 0: 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 6 8034c118, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 7 8034c128, count 1
ar5212Reset: maxCalCount 10
[HWLAN] ioctl CMD=0xb
mips_int_connect: ivec 3 ar5hwcInt 80073f4c pdevInfo 803d50ac
mips_int_enable : 0x00000C00
[HWLAN] bridgePortAdd : vp, 10000
[HWLAN] bridgePortAdd (base BSS) succeeded for vp1
[HWLAN] muxDevLoad is called for vportNum 10001, loadfn 8008ff7c,
vportStr 17: 0: 2
XR info 5
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 8 8034c138, count 1
[HWLAN] ioctl CMD=0xb
[HWLAN] bridgePortAdd : vp, 10001
[HWLAN] bridgePortAdd (XR BSS) succeeded for vp1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 9 8034c148, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 10 8034c158, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 11 8034c168, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 12 8034c178, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 13 8034c188, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 14 8034c198, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 15 8034c1a8, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 16 8034c1b8, count 0
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 17 8034c1c8, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 18 8034c1d8, count 1
[HWLAN] semBCreate return 19 8034c1e8, count 0
wlan1 added STA: 00:14:c1:35:fe:1b (840)
[HWLAN] ifno=3 after call apInit() : .... bg 1 , a 0 ....
Hwlan_light_init is call
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
Interface 3 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
[HWLAN] ifno=5 irno=7 port=0x00000000
Hwlan_light_init is call
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
Interface 5 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
[HWLAN] ifno=6 irno=7 port=0x00000000
Hwlan_light_init is call
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
Interface 6 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
[HWLAN] ifno=7 irno=7 port=0x00000000
Hwlan_light_init is call
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
Interface 7 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
[HWLAN] ifno=8 irno=7 port=0x00000000
Hwlan_light_init is call
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
Interface 8 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
[HWLAN] ifno=9 irno=7 port=0x00000000
Hwlan_light_init is call
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
Interface 9 ip =

[HWLAN] hwlan_ioctl() ..
ruleCheck()> Group: 0,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 1,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 2,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 3,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 4,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 5,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 1,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 2,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 3,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 4,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 5,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 6,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 7,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 8,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 9,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 10,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 11,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 12,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 13,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 14,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 15,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 16,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 17,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 18,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 19,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 20,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 21,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 22,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 23,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 24,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 25,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 26,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 27,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 28,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 29,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 30,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 31,  Error: Protocol Field
ruleCheck()> Classify Rule: 32,  Error: Protocol Field
reqCBACBuf()> init match pool, Have: 10
Memory Address: 0x807911e0 ~ 0x80791314
reqCBACBuf()> init timeGap pool, Have: 100
Memory Address: 0x80791314 ~ 0x80791af8
reqCBACBuf()> init sameHost pool, Have: 20
Memory Address: 0x80791af8 ~ 0x80791d98
[setClsfyEnable] clsfy_func=0
CBAC rule pool initialized !!
ae0 Tx Down, dropping mBlk=0x80580190
ae0 Tx Down, dropping mBlk=0x8057FA70
ae0 Tx Down, dropping mBlk=0x80580190
ae0 Tx Down, dropping mBlk=0x80580190
ae0 Tx Down, dropping mBlk=0x80580190
ae0 Tx Down, dropping mBlk=0x80580190
ae0 Tx Down, dropping mBlk=0x80580190
ae0 Tx Down, dropping mBlk=0x80580190
Init NAT data structure
RUNTASK id=2 if_task if0...
RUNTASK id=3 if_task if1...
RUNTASK id=4 if_task if2...
RUNTASK id=5 if_task if3...
RUNTASK id=6 if_task if5...
RUNTASK id=7 if_task if6...
RUNTASK id=8 if_task if7...
RUNTASK id=9 if_task if8...
RUNTASK id=10 if_task if9...
RUNTASK id=11 timer_task...
RUNTASK id=12 conn_mgr...
RUNTASK id=13 main_8021x...
randomize ..
RUNTASK id=14 period_task...
RUNTASK id=15 dhcp_daemon...
RUNTASK id=16 dhcp_clt...on interface 2
RUNTASK id=17 pptp_callmgr...
httpd: listen at
RUNTASK httpd...
RUNTASK id=20 dnsproxy...
RUNTASK id=21 rip...
RUNTASK id=22 ripout...
RUNTASK id=23 dhcpd_mgmt_task...
UPnP is disabled
feed_watchdog is called?
Starting Multitask...
MTstart2() begin  ...
[HWLAN] Ready

 This Device is GW

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