[Berlin-wireless] Größtes Mesh der Welt in Texas?

spazio.frizzante at gmx.net spazio.frizzante
Mi Dez 6 11:36:37 CET 2006

Hat jemand schon mal von Tropos gehört? Muniwireless berichtet sie haben
jetzt das größte Mesh der Welt in Texas aufgebaut.

Corpus Christi's $7 million municipal wireless broadband network in texas...
"The city's Wi-Fi cloud covers more than 100 miles. The network reaches
approximately 90 percent of the city's 277,000 residents."

Auf der Website von Tropos findet man Folgendes: "

Predictive Wireless Routing Protocol (PWRPT)
PWRP forms a wireless mesh, dynamically routing traffic along the highest
throughput path to the Internet, providing maximum spectral efficiency. This
intelligent routing negates effects of radio frequency (RF) interference,
wired backhaul failure and mesh router failure. It scales to thousands of
nodes with the lowest routing overhead in the industry, not exceeding 5% of
available bandwidth regardless of network size.

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