[Berlin-wireless] ANN: radio stream & local fm live from WSFII 2006, Dharamsala / India tonite (local time)

kloschi kloschi
Di Okt 24 16:02:20 CEST 2006

#       WSFII - World Summit on Free Information Infrastructures       #

The World Summit 2006 is right now happening in Dharamsala / India. 
Many participiants from all over the world meet and exchange experiences
in the field of Free information infrastructures. 

The WSFII team is holding every evening a WSFII-Gathering-Party. We are
streaming tonite from 8pm until 11pm (2.30pm GMT) a live broadcast from
this gathering. Alot of WSFII related interviews and informations will
be up, besides short reports from yesterdays visit of His Holiness the
Dalai Lama in Dharamsala to the 25th aniversary of the Tibetan Children
School and also good music :)

Tune in locally on FM 95,0 MHz or get the stream from http://wsfii.org
(whatch out for "Summit Streams").

Hopefully the connection will be stable. If the stream interrupts, just
try reconnect to it.

kind regards,


irc: irc.radiostudio.org/6667 #wsfii 
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