[Berlin-wireless] Thanks for helping us with Freifunk in Kamerun
Martin Koel
Mi Jul 25 10:16:49 CEST 2007
Hi everybody,
Last Wednesday we visited c-base with some questions about the possibilities
of setting up a Wifi mesh in Kamerun with the Freifunk software. We ended up
talking for about 8 hours (!) with many enthusiastic, open and helpful
people, so it was really a great and worthwhile visit.
Nico left Amsterdam this weekend and now is in Cameroon again, he took a
handful of linksys routers that are flashed with Freifunk firmware. He will
soon do some testing to get a feeling about the needed node density and all
that. So, you could say that there now also is a Freifunk network in Maroua
Thanks everybody for your help!!
Martin (and Nico -> roskam at braouz.net)
http://www.braouz.net http://www.berliner-pilsner.de/
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