[Berlin-wireless] vServer fuer lau...
Sven-Ola Tücke
So Feb 22 13:10:14 CET 2009
Chic - hat sogar Routen. Die Denkpausen werden vom "Ueberbuchen" kommen -
sowat macht wohl jeder Provider und ist am Wochenende eben besonders schlimm.
Gibts ein Howto?
Achso. Hier ist meins - ich hab' mich erstmal haeuslich niedergelassen. Jaja -
ich weiss. Keine UI auf'm Server. Aber ich bin eben bequem:
* Install "Ubuntu-lite" (via web ui)
* Do "apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade"
* Do a "adduser [yourlogname];usermod -Gsrc,adm [yourlogname]", the add this
user and assign groups. Add these lines to /etc/sudoers:
# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
%adm ALL=(ALL) ALL
* Optinal: transfer .ssh/*.pub for root and [yourlog] to the
.ssh/authorized_keys. Test the login and change /etc/ssh/sshd_config to
"PasswordAuthentication no".
* Test-Install lxde. Add the following lines to /etc/apt/source.list and do
"apt-get update;apt-get install lxde xterm epiphany-browser dbus-x11" (Notes:
I've missed xterm, dbus-x11 for convenience and function):
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu hardy main
* (ATTENTION!) After this disable udev, e.g. by adding "exit 0" at the
beginning of of /etc/init.d/udev*, otherwise no SSH login after next reboot.
* For remote access do "apt-get install tightvncserver xfonts-base xrdp".
(Notes: vnc4server has Unknown-X-Errors e.g. with xfce4, tightvncserver does
not install xfonts-base)
* Time for a reboot: either with "apt-get clean;reboot" or by using the Web
* Log in using krdc (or your favorite windows remote desktop util). You may
need to create the "Desktop" folder for lxde manually. You may also "ssh -XC
[serverip]" and start GUI clients from the command line. Note: When installing
firefox, you may want "firefox -no-remote" as alias.
* For security (xrdp uses only 40 bits and has only password auth), you may
want to block direct RDP access. Do "apt-get install iptables" and add
"iptables -I INPUT -s ! -d ! -p tcp --dport 3389 -j
REJECT" to /etc/rc.local. After the next reboot, you will need "ssh -
L3389:localhost:3389 [serverip]" to create an rdp session via SSH with "krdc
rdp://user at localhost".
// Sven-Ola
Am Samstag 21 Februar 2009 20:59:24 schrieb tetzlav:
> Sven-Ola Tuecke schrieb:
> > geschenkten Gaul...
> hmm, will ja wirklich nicht meckern, aber so richtig benutzbar sind die
> vserver nicht; legen zB. beim editieren/schreiben von Dateien immer mal
> wieder kurze/längere Denkpäuschen ein :-/
> Fürs/Mit OpenWrt-basteln reichts aber allemal! ;-P
> Gruß
> tetzlav
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