[Berlin-wireless] Fwd: [info] Presseanfrage

Sven-Ola Tuecke sven-ola
Mi Feb 19 13:13:26 CET 2014

Hello Jonatan,

seems nobody want to answer this, so I'm jumping in. If you plan to
visit at 12th of march, you should be able get a beer or two in the
catacombs of the http://c-base.org. Normally, a flock of Freifunk people
gather there every wednesday around 20:00h (open end). You should simply
grab your interview partners there - simply run after the fleeing ones
or try the feed-with-cookies approach... I would expect one or two of us
to be proud enough to show off some roof / tower mounted equipment /
antennas / switches on the following thursday / friday.

In short: simply come, talk, visit...

Greetz // Sven-Ola

Am 18.02.2014 16:46, schrieb Monic Meisel:
> Hallo meine Lieben,
> Wer kann mit Jonathan ein Interview machen und aufs Dach steigen? 
> Wir waren schon länger in Kontakt wegen eines Termins ... Details
> unten ... Falls ihr direkt antwortet bitte CC an die Liste, damit wir
> Bescheid wissen ... 
> Thx Monic
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>> *Von:* Jonatan Jacobson <jonatan at joelssonjacobson.se
>> <mailto:jonatan at joelssonjacobson.se>>
>> *Datum:* 18. Februar 2014 11:44:31 WEZ
>> *An:* Monic Meisel <monic at monic.de <mailto:monic at monic.de>>
>> *Betreff:* *Re: [info] Presseanfrage*
>> Hi again Monic, 
>> We are planning for the trip to Berlin now. I wonder if you think it
>> would be possible for us to meet up with the freifunkers on Wednesday
>> evening the 12th of March and do the roof top ting in connection with
>> that? We could for example do that earlier on Wednesday or on
>> Thursday the 13th/Friday the 14th. 
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