[Berlin-wireless] Fwd: [info] Presseanfrage

Sven-Ola Tuecke sven-ola
Mi Feb 19 18:57:12 CET 2014

Hey Phillipp,

you should to read the citations in Monics posting on the list (today:
17:44h). Other stories by this outlet are mentioned there, see:

The Principality of Sealand (page 27-37):
> http://issuu.com/diksnack/docs/ping_2-12_webb
> Birigtta Jónsdóttir and the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative (page 25-33)
> http://issuu.com/diksnack/docs/ping_20131018
> Story about the Icub robot (pages 27-37):
> http://issuu.com/diksnack/docs/ping_20131115

You may want to show 'em your installation on the refugee's camp instead
of a wifi antenna on a boring shopping center ;-)

// Sven-Ola

Am 19.02.2014 18:03, schrieb Philipp Borgers:
> Hey,
> maybe we will have an appointment for an installation on the town hall
> of Neukölln (Berlin) in March. I can not tell you a date yet. I will try
> to inform you as soon as I know the date. Please feel free to contact me
> if I do not respond.
> If you just want to see some routers on a roof we can maybe organize a
> meeting at the Neukölln Arcaden.
> Can you summarize your project a bit and what are you interested in?
> Regards
> Philipp

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