[Berlin-wireless] Freifunk community as a case study for a master thesis

Hazem Adel hazem.adel at live.com
Mo Dez 14 16:19:54 CET 2015

Hallo Freifunk Leute

Ich schreibe auf englisch weil mein deutsch ist nicht so gut ! Sorry for 

I am new here, been lurking for a while, but as mentioned above, I 
didn't quite understand a lot. Also attended the last “long” meeting on 

Currently I am studying urban development at TU and writing my master 
thesis on “Civic hacking” and I am interested in WMN's in general as an 
infrastructure for more civic hacking and wanted to know more about 
Freifunk as a community.

I am more interested on the non-technical parts of the Freifunk's 
community. I already got a quick overview last Wednesday but  Would like 
to know more info about stuff like :
     How you guys communicate, how diverse is the community ( technical 
and non-technical community builders and so on) , how does the network 
grow, and how are u scaling up in a decentralized way, how decisions are 
made, and what are the motives of people connecting to freifunk.
     Also what are the main challenges that you face, and what are the 
connections with other WMNs around the world ( Guifi – saw already a 
sticker on someone's laptop last Wednesday or Nepal- saw it mentioned in 
wcw 2014 wiki but not sure is it because of the earth quack disaster 
relief efforts or is there already connections with the network there. ) 
and what are the future possibilities and cooperations.

Will stop now as I don't want the mail to be overwhelming but if 
possible I would like to have a quick chat about this with some of you 
if you are interested.



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