[Berlin-wireless] About me

Philipp Borgers borgers at mi.fu-berlin.de
Mi Jul 6 11:45:18 CEST 2016


welcome to the community!

Are you currently in Berlin? If you are in Berlin right now best thing you can
do is pop up at one of our meetings at c-base, one of the local hackerspaces.
You can find more information about the meetings on our website:


If you want to get in touch with the international community you may want to
join the battlemesh mailinglist:


If you want to describe your project idea or if you have any questions feel free
to post them here.

Best Regards

On Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 08:28:24PM -0300, Edney Rossi wrote:
> Hello everyone, my name is Edney Rossi , I'm from Brazil , I am technology
> college student, heard about Freifunk network and loved , I am interested
> to start a network here, it's a pleasure to meet everyone.

> _______________________________________________
> Berlin mailing list
> Berlin at berlin.freifunk.net
> http://lists.berlin.freifunk.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berlin
> Diese Mailingliste besitzt ein ?ffentlich einsehbares Archiv

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