[Berlin-wireless] Introducing FOSS Backstage Micro-Summit (fwd)

Marlen Caemmerer nosy at c-base.org
Di Nov 7 12:52:31 CET 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2017 11:34:00
From: Ekaterina Klykova <ekl at newthinking.de>
To: nosy at c-base.org
Subject: Introducing FOSS Backstage Micro-Summit

Dear Marlen,

we are organizing a micro summit dedicated to everything related to FOSS 
governance and open collaboration, including thoughts on how to build and 
manage communities within the open source space. The event will take place on 
November 20, 2017 at Europace AG in Berlin. The program and speaker lineup are 
available here: http://bit.ly/MicroSummit17Schedule. 

At this stage you can pre-register for the FOSS Backstage Micro-Summit. 
Successfully pre-registered persons will be contacted approximately two weeks 
prior to the event and asked for binding registration: 

<http://bit.ly/MicroSummit17Registration>The attendance is free of charge. It 
would be great if you could spread the word to other Förderverein Freie 
Netzwerke e. V. members!

Hope to see you there,

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