[Berlin-wireless] Mesh is in the air <3 - Call for Sessions
Monic Meisel
monic at monic.de
Mi Apr 4 19:16:30 CEST 2018
Hallo Berliner Freifunkas,
anbei der Aufruf für Sessions zum Mesh is in the air <3 beizutragen … es ist die Gelegenheit sich mit den Protokoll Entwicklern zu treffen, eine Hacksession für den BBB zu verabreden oder einen Workshop anzubieten. (Es kann auch auf deutsch sein)
Ein bisschen Programm steht schon, aber der Event ist natürlich was ihr draus macht :)
Über z.B. einen Einsteiger Workshop würden wir uns besonders freuen. Wenn ihr das anbieten wollt, schreibt uns bitte direkt an organizers at wireless-meshup.org , was ihr dazu an Hardware genau benötigt und wo man die bestellen kann .. bitte rechtzeitig, dass ich es noch organisieren kann. Dann noch ein paar Stichpunkte und die Uhrzeit ins Programm eintragen und los geht’s :)
Wir freuen uns auf Eure Ideen!
LG Monic
The Wireless Meshup 2018 in Berlin - Call for Presentations
You have an idea or an ongoing project related to mesh routing protocols?
You are involved in a community networking project and want to present it?
You want to provide an update on policy topics?
You want to do a workshop on a specific topic? Or an intro for beginners?
You see important issues that you think should be discussed?
--> Submit your proposal to the Wireless Meshup Wiki <--
*Format and topic*
We welcome proposals of anything you think may be of interest to mesh routing and community networking enthusiasts. Format is very flexible: presentation, talk, discussion, debate, practical workshop, or film screening. The default slot length is one hour (40 minutes talk + 10 minutes questions + 10 minutes break until next one).
*Lightning talks*
Lightning talks are short talks which can be put in the programm during the event, it's the perfect opportunity to present fresh projects/ideas. They are limited to 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions.
To enter a proposal, please head over to https://www.wireless-meshup.org/doku.php/schedule and add it directly to the list. This list is editable without creating an account. In case self-editing fails for some reason, please put your proposal into a short mail to organizers at wireless-meshup.org
Please provide:
* Topic headline
* Short description
* Name and organization
* Format and duration
* Your time availability
*Tentative Deadline*
Please add your proposals until 15th of April - so we can start building the talk schedule in time.
For any question, please contact us through organizers at wireless-meshup.org
*Travel Scolarships*
Thanks to our supporters we are happy to provide some travel scholarships that are given not only but prefered to people not living in Europe to enable members of wireless communities to attend the event.
--> Please forward this message to any groups/individuals who might be interested!
The Orga Team
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