[Berlin-wireless] Greetings from TribeGroup and Fantsuam

Paul Henckel pokho at protonmail.com
So Dez 9 18:31:50 CET 2018

Hello good people

I have been a great admirer of freifunk since I first heard about it at my studies at ITU Copenhagen where I met Sebastian Büttrich. I have been dabbling around with wireless community mesh networks ever since 2008 when I got my first routers from openmesh.com - then a million things happened and I had to move and get rid of a lot of stuff and have since only been able to follow via reddit and articles etc.

I feel that now is the time for me to get back into it, I would very much like to get involved with freifunk. You are doing really great work, but please look at this map - what happened to the rest of the world? Why is there no freifunk in every country yet? Censorship and surveillance is growing and the general population seems to be acclimatizing to bad internet. I hope you have fruitful conversations about that subject.
[Screenshot from 2018-12-09 17-49-05.png]

I am contacting you because I want to change that. By this time next year I hope to put another sticker on that map that says Kaduna, Nigeria... Yes, Nigeria, the country with Boko Haram, corrupt politicians, oil pollution, severe famine and malnutrition, 3x growth in unemployment over the last 2 years, 200mio people with a median age of 18, horrible infrastructure etc.
Let it come as no surprise that I'm motivated by both very idealistic, but also very personal reasons, my father is from Nigeria and I have a lot of family there. Family that I have never known or had any contact with until 2017. But I'm not a nepotist. This is not about favoring my own family over someone else, I dont even plan to tell them about this project. Nigeria is a big country and Kaduna is still some 700km away from where they live anyway. I focus on Kaduna because I want to make the most impact for the least effort - I'm not a millionaire and I already have a 50-60h work week. Sebastian has put me in contact with an organisation called Fantsuam that I am doing this collaboration with. It's a volunteer organisation working to empower rural women and youth. The specific project I'm working with them about is a coworking space - a connected, information hub. The first gateway for a growing community.
Read more about that here: https://workflowy.com/s/fantsuam-tribegroup/HowUZeOVoivYKBCe

I also want to make another sticker on the map that says Copenhagen, Denmark - that one should come quicker as I at least can start it from home and expand it to friends houses in other neighborhoods. You are very welcome to come visit [WorkHive](https://fb.com/workhivedk) I hope we can do a workshop there sometime.

Thanks for reading.
How do we go from here? I had hoped that I could come present at 35C3 but I was way too late for getting a ticket. Now I have vacation in that period from 26th of December to 1st of January so I would very much like to come visit and see what it takes to make a freifunk community.
Do you have weekly meetup on Wednesday the 26th of December?

Paul Henckel
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