[Berlin-wireless] [info] Anfrage Vortrag/Infoabend

Andreas Bräu ab+dsgvo at andi95.de
Mo Jul 2 11:49:10 CEST 2018

Hi Francesco,

we couldn't find any data related to your email address so far. If you
think that's not correct, please tell us and give us more information.

Please keep in mind that freifunk is a non-profit project and all work
is done on a voluntary base in our spare time.

Most of the services we use provide a link to unsubscribe or delete

Best regards,


On 11.06.2018 22:33, Francesco wrote:
> From: Francesco <ciccionamente at gmail.com>
> Cc: berlin at berlin.freifunk.net
> Subject: freifunk.net: Anfrage Vortrag/Infoabend
> Message Body:
> Please delete all my data related to ciccionamente at gmail.com from your database(s).
> Waiting for confirm,
> Thanks.
> DSGVO akzeptiert am:
> 11/06/2018 20:33
> --
> This e-mail was sent from a contact form on freifunk.net (http://freifunk.net)

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