[Berlin-wireless] Mesh-Probleme mit Hedy 1.0.1 und WDR4300

Sven Roederer freifunk at it-solutions.geroedel.de
Mi Aug 12 14:14:36 CEST 2020

Hallo Wolfgang,

Zu deinen logdaten:
Das was dort zu sehen ist, entspricht dem normalen Verhalten eines Routers mit unserer Firmware.
Um bessere Daten zu haben, empfehle ich den Ligabuffet größere zu machen, dass Daten von einem längeren Zeitraum vorliegen. Per Default werden nur 64kb vorgehalten. Diesen Wert kannst du in der Oberfläche unser "Administration" -> "System" -> dort das oberste Untermenü -> "Tab Systemlog" einstellen.
Ich glaube der WDR4300 hat auch genugg Flash, um das Log dirt zu speichern. Vorteil: 
- überlebt einen Neustart
- die vorherige logdatei wird auch gespeichert, was dir bis zu 2x Speichergröße Daten zur Verfügung stellt

Evtl. Kann man dann erkennen, was das Problem ist und eine Lösung ableiten.

Gruss Sven

Am 8. August 2020 17:28:01 MESZ schrieb "Karbe, Wolfgang" <w.karbe at web.de>:
>wir haben in einer Asylbewerberunterkunft schon etliche Zeit WDR4300
>Hedy 1.0.1 default zu laufen.
>Alle direkt mit Kabel am Switch angeschlossenen Router funktionieren
>allerdings seit einiger Zeit die über Mesh (jeweils 2 ) angeschlossenen
>nicht mehr, obwohl nichts verändert wurde.
>Anbei ein Ausschnitt aus dem System.log
>Der ist zwar vom Mai, bemängelt dass es nicht geht, wurde aber erst
>Vllt. versteht einer mehr als ich, was da drin steht.
>Hat irgendwer eine Idee woan es liegen könnte ?
>Mit freundlichen Grüssen
>Fri May 22 08:25:01 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:25:08 2020 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2:
>AP-STA-DISCONNECTED ec:ad:b8:96:ea:e7
>Fri May 22 08:25:08 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>ec:ad:b8:96:ea:e7 IEEE 802.11: disassociated
>Fri May 22 08:25:09 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>ec:ad:b8:96:ea:e7 IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to inactivity (timer
>Fri May 22 08:25:26 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:25:27 2020 daemon.err odhcp6c[1327]: Failed to send
>message to ff02::1:2 (Permission denied)
>Fri May 22 08:25:44 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:25:44 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>60:f4:45:a3:ef:0d IEEE 802.11: authenticated
>Fri May 22 08:25:44 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>60:f4:45:a3:ef:0d IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 2)
>Fri May 22 08:25:44 2020 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2:
>AP-STA-CONNECTED 60:f4:45:a3:ef:0d
>Fri May 22 08:25:44 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>60:f4:45:a3:ef:0d RADIUS: starting accounting session A4D974E5F0619A1C
>Fri May 22 08:26:23 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:26:25 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>30:07:4d:bb:f0:f4 IEEE 802.11: authenticated
>Fri May 22 08:26:25 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>30:07:4d:bb:f0:f4 IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 1)
>Fri May 22 08:26:25 2020 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2:
>AP-STA-CONNECTED 30:07:4d:bb:f0:f4
>Fri May 22 08:26:25 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>30:07:4d:bb:f0:f4 RADIUS: starting accounting session 13E5C35839658802
>Fri May 22 08:26:26 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:26:27 2020 daemon.info odhcpd[920]: Using a RA lifetime
>0 seconds on br-dhcp
>Fri May 22 08:27:20 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:27:20 2020 daemon.err odhcp6c[1327]: Failed to send
>message to ff02::1:2 (Permission denied)
>Fri May 22 08:27:21 2020 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2:
>AP-STA-DISCONNECTED 60:f4:45:a3:ef:0d
>Fri May 22 08:27:21 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>60:f4:45:a3:ef:0d IEEE 802.11: disassociated
>Fri May 22 08:27:22 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>60:f4:45:a3:ef:0d IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to inactivity (timer
>Fri May 22 08:28:14 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:28:16 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>f0:db:e2:b0:5a:10 IEEE 802.11: authenticated
>Fri May 22 08:28:16 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>f0:db:e2:b0:5a:10 IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 2)
>Fri May 22 08:28:16 2020 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2:
>AP-STA-CONNECTED f0:db:e2:b0:5a:10
>Fri May 22 08:28:16 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>f0:db:e2:b0:5a:10 RADIUS: starting accounting session 7FDDE2462B5DEF64
>Fri May 22 08:28:16 2020 daemon.info odhcpd[920]: Using a RA lifetime
>0 seconds on br-dhcp
>Fri May 22 08:28:16 2020 daemon.notice odhcpd[920]: Got DHCPv6 request
>Fri May 22 08:28:16 2020 daemon.warn odhcpd[920]: DHCPV6 SOLICIT IA_NA
>from 0001000123cca4bbf0dbe2b05a10 on br-dhcp: ok
>Fri May 22 08:28:17 2020 daemon.notice odhcpd[920]: Got DHCPv6 request
>Fri May 22 08:28:17 2020 daemon.warn odhcpd[920]: DHCPV6 REQUEST IA_NA
>from 0001000123cca4bbf0dbe2b05a10 on br-dhcp: ok
>Fri May 22 08:28:20 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:28:23 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>80:4e:70:cb:fb:8c IEEE 802.11: authenticated
>Fri May 22 08:28:23 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>80:4e:70:cb:fb:8c IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 3)
>Fri May 22 08:28:23 2020 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2:
>AP-STA-CONNECTED 80:4e:70:cb:fb:8c
>Fri May 22 08:28:23 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>80:4e:70:cb:fb:8c RADIUS: starting accounting session 74AB86064AC6C85B
>Fri May 22 08:28:26 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:29:20 2020 daemon.info odhcpd[920]: Using a RA lifetime
>0 seconds on br-dhcp
>Fri May 22 08:29:29 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:29:31 2020 daemon.err odhcp6c[1327]: Failed to send
>message to ff02::1:2 (Permission denied)
>Fri May 22 08:29:59 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:30:00 2020 daemon.info dnsmasq[1835]: read /etc/hosts - 4
>Fri May 22 08:30:00 2020 daemon.info dnsmasq[1835]: read
>- 25 addresses
>Fri May 22 08:30:00 2020 daemon.info dnsmasq[1835]: read
>/tmp/hosts/olsr.ipv6 - 25 addresses
>Fri May 22 08:30:00 2020 daemon.info dnsmasq[1835]: read
>/tmp/hosts/odhcpd - 0 addresses
>Fri May 22 08:30:00 2020 daemon.info dnsmasq[1835]: read
>/tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg02411c - 2 addresses
>Fri May 22 08:30:00 2020 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: read
>/etc/ethers - 0 addresses
>Fri May 22 08:30:02 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:30:05 2020 daemon.warn dnsmasq-dhcp[1835]: DHCP packet
>received on br-wan which has no address
>Fri May 22 08:30:07 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>ec:ad:b8:96:ea:e7 IEEE 802.11: authenticated
>Fri May 22 08:30:07 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>ec:ad:b8:96:ea:e7 IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 4)
>Fri May 22 08:30:07 2020 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2:
>AP-STA-CONNECTED ec:ad:b8:96:ea:e7
>Fri May 22 08:30:07 2020 daemon.info hostapd: wlan0-dhcp-2: STA
>ec:ad:b8:96:ea:e7 RADIUS: starting accounting session 4DF9F6C43FEE8B7B
>Fri May 22 08:30:07 2020 daemon.info odhcpd[920]: Using a RA lifetime
>0 seconds on br-dhcp
>Fri May 22 08:30:07 2020 daemon.notice odhcpd[920]: Got DHCPv6 request
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