[Berlin-wireless] International Conference ICRC 2021 | Help Wanted

erkner1 erkner1.ffb at arcor.de
Sa Mai 22 15:42:54 CEST 2021

Liebe Leute,

falls jemand aus der Freifunk-Community Lust hat, sich einen Taler dazu 
zu verdienen, leite ich Euch mal folgende Info weiter.
Ich hoffe das ist ok?

Subject: International Conference ICRC 2021 | Help Wanted

The 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (https://icrc2021.desy.de)
will take place from 12-23 July 2021. This conference series has been
organised biennially since 1947 and is the largest conference on
Astroparticle Physics. The ICRC 2021 will be a prime forum to learn
about news and developments in Astroparticle Physics and to appreciate
the links between its topics.

This time the ICRC is an online conference which requires a massive
computing infrastructure to accommodate more than 1400 contributions,
around 2000 participants from all over the world, talks, discussions,
posters, social interactions, chats and video streams on various digital

Many colleagues from the scientific, administrative and infrastructure
groups at DESY in Hamburg and Zeuthen are involved in the preparations.

For the realisation technical helpers are needed to support of the
chairs of the event sessions, set up and supervise video conference
rooms (Zoom), configure and start the session, check and archive
recordings, manage poster sessions and small-group meetings (Remo), load
and use our video archive (VIMP) or support participants on technical

More information you will find in the attachement. Join us at the ICRC
2021 Mission Control!

A summer of Astroparticle Physics

The 37 th  International Cosmic Ray Conference 
(https://icrc2021.desy.de) will take place from
12-23 July 2021. This conference series has been organised biennially 
since 1947 and is the largest
conference on Astroparticle Physics. The ICRC 2021 will be a prime forum 
to learn about news and
developments in Astroparticle Physics and to appreciate the links 
between its topics. This time the
ICRC is an online conference which requires a massive computing 
infrastructure to accommodate
more than 1400 contributions, around 2000 participants from all over the 
world, talks, discussions,
posters, social interactions, chats and video streams on various digital 

Join us at the ICRC 2021 Mission Control
Technical helpers are needed to …

Support of the chairs of the event sessions, set up and supervise video 
conference rooms (Zoom),
configure and start the session, check and archive recordings, manage 
poster sessions and small-
group meetings (Remo), load and use our video archive (VIMP) or support 
participants on technical

June 2021       start of online training
05.-11. July 2021    prepare the online conference materials
12.-23. July 2021    support conference sessions (~6 hours/day)

Become Part of the ICRC2021 Team?
•  You have time in the specified periods (ideally throughout the 
•  You are tech-savvy
•  You communicate confidently in English
•  You can provide a friendly and patient customer service
•  You can join us at DESY Zeuthen (no hardware needed)
or online from your home institution or home office with very good 
internet connection and min.
two devices, e.g. desktop, laptop or tablet

Then please send us a message.
We will reimburse travel and accommodation and provide a modest payment.

Contact us: icrc2021 at desy.de
Webpage  icrc2021.desy.de
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