[Berlin-wireless] Battlemesh is back in September -- date poll for WBMv14

Lars larsg at systemli.org
Mi Apr 20 17:34:00 CEST 2022

z.K. :-)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Battlemesh] Battlemesh is back in September -- date poll for 
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 15:44:11 +0200
From: Albert Rafetseder <albert.rafetseder at univie.ac.at>
Reply-To: Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlemesh at ml.ninux.org>
To: battlemesh at ml.ninux.org

Hi all,

The Battlemesh is going live again for its 14th edition, and we are back 
to a physical event (if circumstances allow) -- back to normal! We have 
a great proposal by the Ninux / Fusolab crew in Rome, Italy [1], and 
want to hear from you about the best dates and durations for this year's 


We are also including in the poll some options that allow you to attend 
RomHack around Battlemesh v14 dates. RomHack [2] camp and conference 
will take place in Rome in September 23-24-25th. RomHack Camp is the 
first hacker camp in the city of Rome.

Please answer the poll by 1st of May. This is not a confirmation of 
presence, we just want a rough idea about the best dates to host the event.

We are aware that some Gmail accounts might not be receiving e-mails 
from the mailing list. Please spread the word about this poll. We are 
working to fix this issue.

    The WBMv14 orga team.

[1] https://www.fusolab.net/ -- 
[2] https://romhack.camp/
Battlemesh mailing list
Battlemesh at ml.ninux.org

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