[Berlin-wireless] Fwd: 20 Jahre Wavelöten @ c-base

James Stevens james at spc.org
Do Okt 13 22:08:42 CEST 2022

tries again..

On 13/10/2022 20:58, James Stevens wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> Since hearing from you have had a lovely catch up chat with Julian 
> Priest who is in Copenhagen and keen we join the get together in 
> C-Base. We looked at flights for me from UK to Berlin - got a shock on 
> prices and are now considering a flight and drive from Copenhagen if I 
> can get there for less.
> Next i said I would write to Electra and Cven to see what their plans 
> are for the session but this wlan list is the best I can find for 
> addresses to reach them so I expect this will be held in a queue as I 
> am not a list member.. how I don't have their emails is mystery to me 
> but time takes a toll obviously.
> So I rejoined the freifunk list and am re-sending this message as a 
> member!
> Hi Electra and Cven, if you read this please get in touch and lets see 
> whats possible in the short time before you will meetup.
> Trust you are all well and happy
> easy
> James

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