[Berlin-wireless] GSoC 2023 is coming - Ideas wanted!

Andreas Bräu ab at andi95.de
Mi Jan 18 15:53:31 CET 2023

Hello together,

I hope you all had a good start into the new year!
We are planning to apply for the Google Summer of Code again this year.
The conditions remain the same as in the last year:

* anyone older than 18 can get a contributor
* schedules are flexible (and now we know how to deal with that)
* 2 project sizes (175 and 350 hours)

More information on 2023's GSoC including the timeline you can find at

At the moment we need your help: add your project ideas you want to be
mentor for to https://projects.freifunk.net/#/projects
All projects can be edited on GitHub at

Org applications will start on January 23 and end on February 7. An
application should contain a number of new project ideas!

If you have any questions, you can always write to me. Please pass the
info on to your communities as well!

Best regards


ps: please spread this message in your communities!

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