[Berlin-wireless] Fritzbox 7360: VLAN für WAN funktioniert nicht

Sven Roederer freifunk at it-solutions.geroedel.de
Mo Apr 29 23:21:04 CEST 2024

Nee, das hilt nix.

No matter if I change this for one of the vlan definitions or both vlan 
Sideeffect: it breaks showing the "switch" menu-subitem in LuCI network menu at 


On Sonntag, 28. April 2024 22:17:33 CEST Perry wrote:
> ----------------------------------------
> Try "list ports" instead of "option ports" in this section
> Gruß
> Perry
> Apr 28, 2024 19:35:34 Sven Roederer <freifunk at it-solutions.geroedel.de>:
> > config switch_vlan
> >         option device 'switch0'
> >         option vlan '1'
> >         option vid '1'
> >         option ports '6t 4 2'
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