[Berlin-wireless] Erfahrungen mit OpenWISP oder anderer zentraler Netzverwaltung?
jon ⚝
jon at allmende.io
Mi Aug 21 14:51:01 CEST 2024
Hi Dirk,
thanks for the additional context. It's good to learn that there is
diversity in implementation in the field.
Once we had multiple sites up and running, I would be keen to test many
of them.
For now I feel more confident with the Python ecosystem myself, despite
I've heard only good things about CakePHP and PHP 8 (possibly also due
to the Facebook work in the area).
I'll need to understand these systems better, as I was never exposed to
the thing you called RADIUS. It seems relevant, though.
I'd like to follow on privately on your invitation, when I have spoken
with the people from the site.
It may be better to use a system with support available close to Berlin,
rather than having to work across the globe with people India. Although
that's also tempting.
I'll message you within the next few weeks on this alias.
Beste Grüße aus Fürstenwalde,
Am 14.08.24 um 10:56 schrieb Dirk van der Walt:
> Hello Jon,
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 7:35 PM jon ⚝ <jon at allmende.io> wrote:
>> Hallo berlin-wireless!
>> Kennt wer von uns oder hat wer Erfahrungen mit OpenWISP?
>> - https://openwisp.org/
>> Ich frage mich schon länger, wie sich größere Installationen verwalten
>> lassen, anders als mit vorgebauten Images.
>> Auch interessiert mich die Idee eine Art Web UI zu haben, so wie es die
>> Ubiquities im verwalteten Modus anbieten.
> You can also take a look at RADIUSdesk.
> It has two side projects, MESHdesk and APdesk.
> MESHdesk started as an open source alternative to Cloudtrax and
> OpenMESH.com. (around 2013)
> It has moved with the times and currently works well with the latest
> OpenWrt (23.05.3) and supports hardware with up to three radios.
> Some of the recent additions we have made are support for Private PSKs
> and dynamic VLANs with data and speed limits (also on the MESH
> network)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLge0XuaflY
> Also, you can run Accel-PPP on the gateway (we managed to compile on
> Mediatek and Atheros) so that clients can connect over the mesh as
> PPPoE clients
> http://radiusdesk.com/wiki24/technical/menu_ppp
> Feel free to contact me directly if you want to try it out.
> I have a demo server that I can register you on.
> Kind regards
>> Oder gibt es ähnliche Initiativen wie OpenWISP, um ein mittelgroßes WiFi
>> Netzwerk (10 – 100 Knoten) zentral zu verwalten?
>> Danke schonmal im Voraus!
>> Jon
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