[Berlin-wireless] ignition stage 1

xetrov - vortex xetrov at c-base.org
Do Apr 18 15:14:04 CEST 2024

TBH, if you already understand how DNSSEC works, the best I've found is 
to carefully read through the latest BIND9 docs.

v9.18+ makes it so much easier to deploy and manage DNSSEC than earlier 
versions - almost entirely automatic.

I'll be at the May 1st Berlin Freifunk meetup, and would like to give an 
updated presentation of a CCCamp workshop given last year on secure 
dynamic DNSSEC in community networks.

On 16/04/2024 11:06, Carsten Schiefner wrote:
> Happy to learn more about the how-to: key management, zone management etc.
> If you would, please?
> :-)
>> Am 16.04.2024 um 00:42 schrieb xetrov - vortex <xetrov at c-base.org>:
>> DNSSEC enabled for freifunk.net
>> https://dnsviz.net/d/freifunk.net/analyze/
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