[Berlin-wireless] Kleines Madwifi-Ad-Hoc-Howto-Nachtrag
Sven Wagner
Di Feb 28 16:52:56 CET 2006
onelektra wrote:
> Hallo -
> falscher Country-Code! Deutschland ist *276*
bei den atheros karten geht es nicht nur um den country code, sondern
auch um die RegDomain.
hier ein kleiner auszug von den faq bei tamos.com
Q. Some of the channels in the scanner options window are grayed out. Is
this normal? What if want to monitor these channels?
A. Depending on your country, your wireless adapter may not support all
the channels shown in that window. The channels that are available for
use in a particular country differ according to the regulations of that
country. In the United States, for example, FCC regulations only allow
channels 1 to 11 to be used in the 802.11b/g band. The firmware of the
wireless adapters being sold in the US is typically configured to
disallow channels 12 and 13. This is not always convenient, as you may
need to travel to other parts of the world and be able to monitor
locally available channels with CommView for WiFi. You may want to
purchase an adapter locally, but you can also use a utility that allows
you to change the regulatory domain and country code for some adapters.
Before downloading and using this utility, please note:
* Overwriting regulatory domain and country settings may
permanently damage the device. Proceed at your own risk.
* Changing regulatory domain and country settings may not be legal
in your country. Consult your company's legal department.
* No technical support is available for this utility.
* This utility works ONLY with 802.11 b/g and 802.11 a/b/g adapters
based on the Atheros chipsets.
To download the utility, http://www.tamos.com/files/rcu.zip
das ist zwar ein windoof tool, aber sehr sehr nuetzlich um damit
channels fuer turbo_mode freizuschiessen.
fuer linux gibt es das ar5k tool, welches aber nur mit einem
2.4.blub_kernel funktioniert.
es sieht so aus als ob ryke das tool gebaut hat... ;-)
viel spass
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