[Berlin-wireless] OpenStreetMap @ Freifunk-Map

Robert Schuster theBohemian
Fr Jun 29 12:59:07 CEST 2007


> - An die richtige Stelle zoomen (oder im Suchfeld den Bezirk eingeben).
> - Edit -> öffnet den Flash Editor (Leider nur Macromedia, gnash & co 
> funktionieren noch nicht) 
Der entsprechende Hinweis hier[0] läßt auf baldige Änderung hoffen. :)

However, Gnash developers have asked for our feedback with the intention
that Potlatch will be able to run under Gnash. If you have tried and can
report progress, please contact Richard.

Since Potlatch is compiled with Ming (also open source) with a
comparatively low target SWF version (mostly SWF6, ActionScript 1.0,
with very limited additions from SWF8), it is very likely that future
versions of Gnash will be compatible with core Potlatch.


[0] - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Potlatch/FAQs

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