[Berlin-wireless] Idea of making the firmware maintainance easier ?!
Horst Krause
Sa Nov 3 18:11:59 CET 2007
yes, good idea, why not to make it
NO-maintainace, or SELF-upgrading.
seems to be an un-thinkable/-imaginable
sacrileg for code/download/config-addicted.
to talk -me as DAU- serious,
sven-ola told me, there might be chance
under all-coalescing/reuniting kamikaze.
in my opinion, there will never be
a stable state again.
you can't make the world fool-proof,
cause they are too many, and
they are too re*source*ful.
offlinehorst at web.de
On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 20:18:16 +0100
"Norm at nSteinbach" <norm at nsteinbach.de> wrote:
> Bluse wrote:
> > If there is a new firmware out and we
> > want to deploy it - you get quit busy. The process of updating all the nodes
> > is quite time consuming.
> (Especially if there is a new firmware version being released in an
> almost daily routine...)
> Norm at n
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