[Berlin-wireless] ETX(+bat) unrealistisch, war:Re: airtime? *robuste_packets*?
Hannes Gredler
Mo Nov 19 12:54:06 CET 2007
On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 09:50:06AM +0100, Axel wrote:
| > Mon Apr 21 05:25:31 PDT 1997
| >
| > This is an *ALPHA* test version of the LBNL Internet path characterization
| > tool, pathchar. There's essentially no documentation & it will be a
| > week or so until we release the source so this is only for the brave
| > (or foolish). Please report problems to pathchar at ee.lbl.gov. But
| > please don't ask questions -- if it doesn't make sense, wait for the
| > beta release. Thanks. Have fun.
| >
| > - Van Jacobson
| ..keine Doku, kein source code, keine Lizenz, kein Kommentar ?
| Wei? vielleicht jemand wie die Geschichte weitergegangen ist?
van hat den source-code zu patchchar niemals publiziert -
(da waren scheints closed source statistik libs dabei)
der vielverprechendsde clone der idee nennt sich pchar.
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