[Berlin-wireless] @Felix (GPLv3)

Robert Schuster theBohemian
Di Feb 19 22:20:58 CET 2008


till schrieb:
> Als Beispiel - ich glaube keiner konnte seine Frage zu Ende stellen so
> dass auch kein Dialog zu stande kam. Mal wieder eine verpasste Chance.
> Man kann sich natürlich immer an Begrifflichkeiten aufhalten und viel
> Wert auf die (vielleicht eher subjektive) Formulierung legen, aber
> irgendwie hinterlaesst das einen faden Beigeschmack.
Halte hunderte von Vorträgen im Jahr, sei eine der bedeutendsten Figuren
der freien Softwarewelt, bekomme wenig-überlegte Fragen gestellt und
dann zeig mir wie verständnissvoll du darauf reagierst. :)

Vielleicht erklärt auch das hier was:
Even Stallman has indulged in psychiatric revisionism from time to time.
During a 2000 profile for the   Toronto Star, Stallman described himself
to an interviewer as "borderline autistic," a description that goes a
long way toward explaining a lifelong tendency toward social and
emotional isolation and the equally lifelong effort to overcome it.

Such speculation benefits from the fast and loose nature of most
so-called " behavioral disorders" nowadays, of course. As Steve
Silberman, author of " The Geek Syndrome," notes, American psychiatrists
have only recently come to accept Asperger Syndrome as a valid umbrella
term covering a wide set of behavioral traits. The traits range from
poor motor skills and poor socialization to high intelligence and an
almost obsessive affinity for numbers, computers, and ordered systems.3
Reflecting on the broad nature of this umbrella, Stallman says its
possible that, if born 40 years later, he might have merited just such a
diagnosis. Then again, so would many of his computer-world colleagues.

(aus http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/freedom/ch03.html)


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