[Berlin-wireless] Google SoC participation

spazio.frizzante at gmx.net spazio.frizzante
Do Apr 2 04:09:39 CEST 2009

Hola Néstor,

ZigBee is a big idea for projects in wireless mesh networks and we
definitely need more projects on monitorization. Please apply through
the summer of code website. We can discuss more in detail during
upcoming weeks, what your project can be exactly.

All the best from Berlin!


2009/3/29 Néstor Morales Hernández <neztol at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I've just heard about Google Summer of Code program, and I would like to
> participate with your project.
> In the last year, I've been working in a meshing network project based on
> ZigBee protocol. It was a medium network with a lot of sensors and actuation
> elements, mainly electrovalves. I think that, despite of not being ZigBee, I
> could be useful in other meshing projects.
> I think I could collaborate with the monitorization of a node using SNMP, as
> a beginning. If you are interested, please feedback me in order to concrete
> the idea, or if you think there are other prioritary tasks in which I could
> be useful.
> Waiting for your answer,
> Néstor Morales Hernández

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