[Berlin-wireless] [Fwd: [Olsr-users] OLSRd 0.6.0 released]

cven cven
Do Mai 13 18:57:44 CEST 2010



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Olsr-users] OLSRd 0.6.0 released
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 13:05:21 +0200
From: Henning Rogge <hrogge at googlemail.com>
To: olsr-users at lists.olsr.org
CC: olsr-dev at lists.olsr.org


we finally released OLSRd 0.6.0 with a lot of nice and improved features...

You can access the new version through our repository at http://olsr.org/git
or by downloading the tarballs from

The md5 sums of this files are stored in a GPG signed text file at

(the 0.6.0 tag in the repository is signed too)

Much fun with the new version.


0.6.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------

Change in version number system. No more -rcX for release candidates and
-rX for bugfix releases. In future bugfix releases or updates of plugins
will increase the third digit of the version string while feature releases
will increase the first and/or the second one.

Markus Kittenberg <Markus.Kittenberger at gmx.at>
Henning Rogge <henning.rogge at fkie.fraunhofer.de>
- added NIIT kernel module support for sending IPv4 traffic over
   IPv6 mesh networks. See README-Olsr-Extensions for more information.
- added SmartGateway support. OLSRd can now automatically build
   IPIP tunnels towards the gateway to prevent gateway flapping.
   See README-Olsr-Extensions for more information.
- complete rewrite of linux netlink routing code. New code should be
   more understandable and easier to debug/improve.

Teco Boots <teco at inf-net.nl>
- new dyngw plugin. More flexible and more features.
- new p2pd plugin (generalized mdns plugin)

Vasilis Tsiligiannis <b_tsiligiannis at silverton.gr>
- new version of quagga plugin (with IPv6 support !)

Sven-Ola Tuecke <sven-ola at gmx.de>
- fixes for improved uClibc support
- fixes for better linux kernel 2.4 support

Saverio Proto <zioproto at gmail.com>
- new mdns plugin. (backport from master branch)

Eric Tromps <erik_tromp at hotmail.com>
- new version of bmf plugin. NO pthreads are necessary anymore

and a lot more small bugfixes. Read GIT changelog at http://olsr.org/git
to see a complete history.

1) You can't win.
2) You can't break even.
3) You can't leave the game.
? The Laws of Thermodynamics, summarized


http://wiki.freifunk.net/Wireless_Community_Weekend_2010 :-)

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