[Berlin-wireless] Fwd: Re: TOUGHCable CARRIER Level 2 (request #95294)

Philipp Borgers borgers
Di Dez 10 21:07:28 CET 2013

Schade :/

"Low smoke requirement" ist das auch von Bedeutung beim Verlegen im
Freien? Könnte nochmal wer sagen wo dieses requirement herkommt, damit
ich es am Ende im Wiki festhalten kann. Danke!

LG Philipp

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: TOUGHCable CARRIER Level 2 (request #95294)
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 19:33:13 +0000
From: Ubiquiti Networks <support at ubnt.com>
Reply-To: Ubiquiti Networks <support at ubnt.com>
To: Philipp Borgers <borgers at mi.fu-berlin.de>

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Re: TOUGHCable CARRIER Level 2 (request #95294)

Your request (95294) has been updated. You can add a comment by replying
to this email.


Noel H., Dec 10 11:33 (PST)

Hi Philipp,

Thanks for getting in touch with us!

I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.

ToughCable PRO and Carrier have a LLDPE jackets and it is halogen free,
but it does not comply with the low smoke requirement.

Hope that's helpful. If you have any other questions, please let us know!

I'm setting this ticket to solved for now, but if you have any
additional questions, feel free to reply to this email at any time and
it'll automatically reopen the ticket.


Noel H.
Ubiquiti Networks


Philipp Borgers, Dec 09 08:27 (PST)


can you tell me if the ToughCable CARRIER LEVEL 2 is halogen free? I do
not find this information in the datasheet.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards

Philipp Borgers

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