[Berlin-wireless] Fwd: KORUZA grows: World Wide Experiment

georg georg
Mi Aug 27 23:38:35 CEST 2014

Hallo Liste,

Ich leite hier mal einen Ausschnitt weiter von einer heute erfolgten
Veröffentlichung [1] bzgl. einem "World Wide Experiment" von KORUZA [2]:

"Development of wireless optical system KORUZA has reached the 5th
prototype generation and it is time now, to put it out in the wild and
properly test it. We are launching the World Wide KORUZA experiment to
deploy more then 10 links worldwide with a range of sensors and a test
device, to observe the performance over a 12 month period. Experimental
results are expected to identify error sources in the system as well as
create an open dataset for future study of free-space communication
system as well as KORUZA. Research organizations, community networks and
others welcome! [...]"

KORUZA ist: "[...] an innovative open-source open-hardware wireless
communication system, employing a new low-cost approach to designing
free-space optical network systems, enabling building-to-building
connectivity with a highly collimated light beam at a capacity of 1 Gbps
(1000 Mbps) at distances up to 100 m. It is designed to be suitable for
home as well as professional users, enabling organic bottom-up growth of
networks by eliminating the need for wired fiber connections and
associated high installation costs. The simplicity of use, low-cost and
compact size allow the system to be deployed in any network. [...]"

Gesucht werden nun Organisationen, die ein Test-Setup für zwölf Monate
betreiben und dabei helfen, wertvolle Praxiserfahrungen zu sammeln.
Vielleicht ist das ja was für Berlin?

Viele Grüße,

[2] https://dev.wlan-si.net/wiki/KORUZA

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