[Berlin-wireless] [info] [your-subject]

Monic Meisel monic
Mi Dez 10 17:14:43 CET 2014

Dear Sarah,

I forward your mail to the Berlin mailing list ? we meet today at 8 p.m. @wikimedia, Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24, 10963 Berlin

You are also very welcome to join our mailing list 

and contribute to out github repository :)

Hope to see you latest @31c3 Freifunk assembly 

Best Monic

Am 10.12.2014 um 08:57 schrieb sarah grant <com at chootka.com>:

> From: sarah grant <com at chootka.com>
> Subject: freifunk.net: Message (english)
> Message Body:
> Hello,
> I am an artist / programmer working in NYC and will be spending the next month in Berlin. I have a project called http://subnod.es which uses the BATMAN ADV protocol for handling a mesh network on Raspberry Pis, and am also taking part in CCC in Hamburg at the end of December as part of an offline-network group with a handful of other artists and engineers working in this space. I'm writing to see if there is anything I could help with in terms of application development for any of the local mesh networks maybe in exchange for some experience working with the hardware or learning more about how BATMAN works on a low level. I do understand how computer networks work on a high level, but am looking for more in depth knowledge and experience. To be clear, I am a programmer with 12 years experience, across languages including javascript, python, java, some C code. I also have experience developing mobile applications + web applications, front + backend. I have also worked extensively wit
> h Raspberry Pis. 
> Apologies if this email is kind of vague - I guess I am just seeing if there is anything I can do for you guys while i'm over there (or even when I come back to NYC), and if there is anything I could learn from you. I've been a big fan of the Freifunk network for a while now. I'd love to be able to set something up as resilient over here in New York, but need a bit more experience.
> Thanks!
> Sarah
> --
> This e-mail was sent from a contact form on freifunk.net (http://freifunk.net/en)
> -- 
> Mit freundlichem Gruss
>  ** Web-Team **
> http://freifunk.net
> info at freifunk.net

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