[Berlin-wireless] Anfrage Künstler Café Neukölln

Monic Meisel monic
Di Nov 25 20:08:15 CET 2014

Hallo Berliners,

auf FB erreichte uns folgende Frage ? Wer aus KBerg/Neukölln könnte sich da bitte melden? Gibt auch Kuchen :p

Danke Monic

? schnipp ?

Hello Freifunk, we are a temporary non-profit, artist-run cafe' on Karl-Marx-Strasse 145. We just purchased your recommended router and we want to set up a node. But we are completely ignorant about technology and have no idea where to start and how to set it up. I was wondering if there is anyone from your group who would be so kind to come to our cafe' and help us. Cake and coffee will be provided  We are looking forward to hearing back from you. Francesca @ KMS145

? schnapp ?
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