[Berlin-wireless] Workshop mit RE am 27.02.

Monic Meisel monic at monic.de
Di Feb 16 17:39:48 CET 2016

Hallo, hier nun die Infos zum Workshop mit Refugees Emancipation in Potsdam.

Freifunkas sind in erster Linie am 27.02. gefragt :) Elektra hat schon zugesagt, mindestens noch ein weiterer Mentor wäre klasse.
Ziel ist es KnowHow zu WLAN Netzen und ggf. Radio weiterzugeben s.u., RE wird eine eigene ESSID und keinen VPN benutzen.

FreiLand Potsdam
Friedirich-Engels Str. 22, 14473

Imma would do the translation although most speak English. Please we would like to know how many people would assist with different topics:

Day1-26th Feb. 10 am- 12: Political discourse  about the living conditions of refugees and internet access (with about 18 people including the Coordinators -from Brandenburg and Berlin)

1230:1400 - Creating a refugee mailing list ( like a slack for refugees, Podio, Doodle...)
14:00- 15:00-Lunch
15: 17:30: Computer classes as orientation to legal issues, health issues, job search, translation etc...
18:30- Film about refugee struggles in Germany. (Residenzplicht)

Day 2-27th of Feb. 10:00:12:30- Developing Platforms for refugees- websites, facebook, apps etc

14:00-16:00- Providing refugees with WIFI (setting up a WIFI connection in the Heim- how to build a small network
1630: 18:30- Radio Workshop

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