[Berlin-wireless] Help with installing an antenna and required permits

Sven Roederer freifunk at it-solutions.geroedel.de
Sa Mär 5 04:32:34 CET 2016

Hi Jack,

welcome to Freifunk.

On 03.03.2016 16:58, Jack Bauer wrote:
> Could someone give me tips on what this kind of application should
> include? Kosteneinschätzung? 

Think it will be good to:
- inform a bit on Freifunk, the community and the reason for installing
- present the device you will install
- the reason why installation on teh roof is required
- inform on the costs that will apply to the
"Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft" (who will pay for the device, who will
pay for the energy)
- what kind of installation will happen to the building (drilling,
mast-mount, cabling, ...)
- tell about the chance to offer open WiFi-access around the building as
an additional value to the building

> The name of some antenna-installing
> company? Should I say it will be installed with an engineer from the
> Freifunk-network?

for sure you can reference some photos and descriptions done by the
community - just check the wiki.

> And, is anyone interested in coming over to install
> the antenna with me, so we can do it right the first time?
I'm pretty sure, that you will find someone in the neighborhood who is
willing to support you during installation. Maybe start checking the
berlin-map for node-operators close to you.


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