[Berlin-wireless] Anfrage für Rallies

Monic Meisel monic at monic.de
Di Feb 7 10:31:36 CET 2017


ich hab gerade diese Anfrage erhalten, jemand n Tipp oder n passenden Link?
Danke Monic
Hi I'm looking for a bit of help, myself and a friend are looking to deploy an ad hoc mesh Public Address network in order to improve the sound at rallies and demonstrations (people at the back can never hear what is going on) ie broadcast an ogg audio stream wirelessly to preconfigured smart phones that members of the public can bluetooth connect to, turning their phone into a speaker. This is kind of what you are doing but different. Still it is within your frame of reference. Are you aware of any projects like this or do you have any input.

Any help would be very gratefully received.

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