[Berlin-wireless] ❤amazing!
hdna-magazin at freenet.de
Mi Mai 17 16:26:54 CEST 2017
Hello friend,
There is something really amazing I've found a couple of days ago, check it out http://www.prescottrealestate.guru/wp-content/uploads/diagnose.php?4243
From: wirelesslan in Berlin [mailto:berlin at berlin.freifunk.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 10:26 AM
To: hdna-magazin at freenet.de
Subject: Great scramble, for once
Ancaps = Anarcho-Capitalism. It's an anarchist ideology that centers around a total free market capitalist system. You can kind of think of it as extreme libertarianism. The band name "Gold Standard", the album title "After The Federal Reserve", the Statue of Liberty, and all the little logos are jokes on modern day Ron Paul libertarianism.
As for the aesthetic of the album cover, it's a pretty popular format for crust punk. Black and white, weird "grimey" bubble letters, text in boxes outside of the main album art. I think they are imitating a specific Discharge album, but I could be wrong because the layout is super common.
Most crust punk bands are anarchist, but of different, more radical leaning ideologies. So that also adds to the joke.
Hope this helps.
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