[Berlin-wireless] Testing Freifunk in Norway

Sven Roederer freifunk at it-solutions.geroedel.de
So Okt 29 02:39:00 CEST 2017

On Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2017 17:17:49 CEST Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Holger]
> >Shouldn't he get access to tunnel.berlin....?
> What is tunnel.berlin...?

tunnel.berlin... is an alternative tunnel-setup to VPN03. It's
operated by the Berlin-community, in contrast to VPN03, which
is based on an initiative of the "Förderverein für freie Netze e.V."
> [Sven Roederer]
> > Is such "Störerhaftungs-VPN" needed in Norway?
> At this point I just want whatever setup is normal in Berlin, to gain
> some experience.  The firmware I fetched talked about VPN access, so I
> asked for VPN access after advice from Andreas.  I'm not quite sure what
> "Störerhaftungs-VPN" mean, but believe it might be required to use VPN,
> at least depending on your ISP.

This VPN03 is still bundled into the firmware and hard to remove manually,
w/o having a good knowledge of the internal setup used by our firmware.
We are currently changing this in our build of the upcoming release.
"Störerhaftung" is a unique german legal rule, which was recently removed
from the laws. So it will not apply for Norway anyway.
If you like you can try one of the new firmware-builds, where it'S possible
to send all the clients traffic directly out via you ISP and tunneling all data
to Germany. this will even enable you to higher bandwidth for your clients
as the CPU-power limits the tunnel-speed to max 10 MBit/s.

Hope this helps, even it took some time :-)
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