[Berlin-wireless] GSoC 2019 application

Andreas Bräu ab at andi95.de
Mi Jan 30 09:50:49 CET 2019

Hi there,

that's a reminder! :)

Please do not forget to add your new ideas to our projects page. At the
moment there are only 11 ideas specific for GSoC 2019.

Thank you and best regards,


On 03.01.19 17:55, Andreas Bräu wrote:
> Hi there,
> I wish you all a happy new year. I hope you had a good time over
> Christmas and New Year.
> A new year also means there will be a new Google Summer of Code. It will
> be the 15th edition!
> The application period will start in a few days on January 15.
> If we want to apply again and to be successful, we need to add some
> fresh ideas to our projects page before our application:
> https://projects.freifunk,net <https://projects.freifunk,net/>
> You can add, edit or delete your ideas via
> GitHub: https://github.com/freifunk/projects.freifunk.net-contents/tree/master/collections/_projects
> We should also delete ideas that are obsolete now.
> If you have any questions, please tell me!
> Best regards,
> Andi

Andreas Bräu

XMPP: andibraeu at jabber.weimarnetz.de <xmpp:andibraeu at jabber.weimarnetz.de>
Twitter:@evAltenberga <https://twitter.com/evaltenberga>
Blog:https://blog.andi95.de <https://blog.andi95.de/>

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