[Berlin-wireless] Riot Mesh <3 Freifunk

Aarnav Mahavir Bos aarnav.bos at code.berlin
Mo Jun 29 19:36:54 CEST 2020


I’m Aarnav, writing on behalf of a university(CODE University of Applied
Sciences, Berlin)project called Riot Mesh. We at Riot Mesh have a similar
vision as yours, which is access to free, user operated networks instead of
centralized, commercial and restrictive networks. Over the past semester we
have been actively writing a distributed communication application that
runs on a mesh network with Libp2p and we would like to collaborate with
Freifunk to realize the first step of our project, which is offline, p2p
communication across Berlin.

So far, we have a small prototype and a solid concept, but as university
students, we lack access to infrastructure(routers and space) and
expertise(running and maintaining a big mesh network is already a skill in
itself). Our work will be open sourced as soon as we finish our prototype,
and we are 100% non-profit. Our university asked us to make a video
underlying our vision and concept, which was used in an event to showcase
some of the students’ projects. It articulates Riot Mesh quite well, and I
highly recommend watching it to understand us better.
https://youtu.be/OZID2myjcl8?t=1399 starts around 23:19

We would love to get together with some of the members to discuss the
possibility of us deploying our application and the specifications that we
should adhere to; such as hardware limitations(power, router space etc) and
software(native JS/Python support etc).

Let’s make offline, p2p communication in Berlin a reality!


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