[Berlin-wireless] 90% CPU-nutzung durch tunneldigger bei 40Mbit/s (freifunk-gw01.in-berlin.de)

Sven Roederer freifunk at it-solutions.geroedel.de
Mi Apr 14 23:02:38 CEST 2021


seems that your detectiv skills are required again.
As mentioned in my other post I had a short serviec stop on the machine and 
saw the same problem again (Load of ~1 with traffic around 20MBit/s caused by 
a python-process). 
The load seems a bit less than on the previous event, according to the monitor 
[1], but stil way to much.


1 - http://monitor.berlin.freifunk.net/detail.php?p=load&t=load&h=freifunk-gw01&s=31536000&x=800&y=350

Am Montag, 1. März 2021, 20:37:39 CEST schrieb Perry:
> Hello,
> It took some detective work, and a bit of guessing, and I found the node
> which was causing the high load.  That node has now been updated with
> falter and is no longer constantly reconnecting.
> http://monitor.berlin.freifunk.net/detail.php?p=load&t=load&h=freifunk-gw01&
> s=28800&x=800&y=350
> P
> On 3/1/21 12:01 AM, Sven Roederer wrote:
> > Namt,
> > 
> > wo ich jetzt grad auf dem Rechner war, wundert mich folgendes:
> > 
> > bei 40MBit/s via tunneldigger ist die CPU-Nutzung bei 90%. Der Rechner hat
> > einen "Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, IBRS) @2.2GHz".
> > 
> > Find ich überraschend viel, ist das Normal?
> > 
> > 
> > http://monitor.berlin.freifunk.net/host.php?h=freifunk-gw01
> > 
> > 
> > GRuss Sven
> > 

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