[Berlin-wireless] Issues with Firmware for GL-AR300M

Matthias Klose matthias at klose.berlin
Fr Mai 7 21:20:57 CEST 2021


What Nick said + please select snapshot-1.2.0 on the right to find the 
respective images.



Am 07.05.2021 um 17:38 schrieb Apollo van Z:
> Hi everyone!
> I got some issues with the Firmware for GL-AR300M and I hope someone 
> can help me with it.
> When using the build system I selected GL-AR300M-Lite as the model, it 
> says the firmware is compatible with the GL-AR300M as well. However, 
> even though the basic functions do work, I assume the router is setup 
> as a GL-AR300M-Lite, meaning only one of the LAN ports is working, the 
> other one not available. Is there an up to date firmware for 
> the GL-AR300M available somewhere or a way to fix that?
> Cheers! : )
> AvZ
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