[Berlin-wireless] Request from Samariterstr. 32

Monic Meisel monic
Mo Jan 5 20:50:53 CET 2015

Dear Francesco, dear freifunkas

it is a Community Project based on volunteer work ? so there is no guarantee that is work :)
But I forward your Mail to the mailing list of Berlin Freifunkas.

Could someone help and answer?

Best Monic

Am 02.01.2015 um 15:24 schrieb francesco c <franzuss at gmail.com>:

> From: francesco c <franzuss at gmail.com>
> Subject: freifunk.net: Message (english)
> Message Body:
> I live in samariterstr. 32...i m connected to your open network but doesn t work. It never works. Am i doing somwthing wrong? Do uou know that your network doesen t work at all? It s a pity!
> Thanks
> Fr.
> --
> This e-mail was sent from a contact form on freifunk.net (http://freifunk.net/en)
> -- 
> Mit freundlichem Gruss
>  ** Web-Team **
> http://freifunk.net
> info at freifunk.net

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